Whimsical animal art!

1 John 4:8
"Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Through careful animal observation, artist Holly Simental realistically portrays the human-like character of animals through fun, comical art. Holly began drawing at 6 years old after discovering that she had natural talent. When Holly was just a little older, she began to volunteer at a Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care and gained an even greater love for wild animals. Holly also enjoyed her many pets and training her dogs. Through these experiences, and from observation, Holly realized how human-like animals really are. Holly’s art was further developed and encouraged by her NorthTahoe High School art teacher who organized a private showing for her at a local art gallery.
Holly is a self taught artist now living in Reno, Nevada. She began her professional art career after being prompted by a coworker to open an Etsy store. In 2014 Holly opened her store Mama Kiki’s. She started selling a few cards and realized that people really liked her art. She then expanded to pen and ink and watercolor art prints. In 2016 Holly began to sell art on independent online art sales sites. When sales increased through these sites, Holly began to be contacted by online galleries as well.
Holly’s talent is not limited to a single art medium. She often works with multiple mediums. She chooses a medium to fit the desired look she has envisioned for each work of art.
Holly seeks to give joy and uplift the spirit of her art admirers by using her unique ability to realistically portray human expressions in animals. Each artwork is carefully planned to best reveal the animal subject’s character. Holly also seeks to incorporate experiences which both people and animals enjoy. There is a hidden message in each artwork which can be found by examining the carefully chosen bible verse found by Holly’s signature in each artwork.
Holly has found great satisfaction in sharing her talents with others. She has endless ideas for new artwork. Holly Simental will be an artist to follow as her popularity is quickly growing worldwide because of her unique art style.
Follow Holly Simental on Facebook Holly Simental Art and Instagram @holly.simental to view upcoming artworks.
Next upcoming work in progress

This is my current artwork in progress. I am working with oil paint on Gesso board. I am going to create animals roasting marshmallows around a campfire at Tahoe lakeside. This artwork will be completed with oil paints. I know I am working super slow on this artwork. I will eventually finish it though :)

I am still undecided on my small project at this time. I feel like I really should not paint any more dogs but I would like to make a special painting for a physician who helped make a very difficult diagnosis for me. It would be a black lab in a Dr's lab coat with a stethoscope and coffee.
My current discussion topic is,
I will try to introduce a different topic at the beginning of each month.
Happy Holidays and winter! There are some things that I really like about winter and those things are reflected in my art. I love to sled, ski, and build snowmen. I do not like shoveling snow. I do not mind driving in the snow but I do not like to drive around other in experienced snow drivers.
The winter is cold and dark but it is a time of rest for the plants. A time for seeds to prepare to create new spring life. A time to enjoy winter sports.
My favorite winter artwork is "The Big Hill" which is my artwork of animals sledding and can be found in my published works section. It is my favorite winter work because it reflects a childhood memory. I grew up in Tahoe and we had a large wood toboggan as pictured in this work. We had two sled hills one that I called "The Big Hill". If we had enough friends or family over to sled with us, we would all climb on the large toboggan and sled down "The big hill" together. It was the job of the person in the front to try to see through the blowing snow and inform the other passengers if we were going to crash. If there was an oncoming tree the person in the front would yell "bale out", at which time all the passengers would roll off of the toboggan to avoid crashing. In hind sight I am not really sure how that helped unless we were headed for the stream (but the stream was not located near "the big hill").
I would love to hear your favorite winter stories. You can share them with me by filling out a contact form. Thank you for reading!

For 30 or more prints. Specify sizes, art design, and quantity below in comments. Price per print 5x7= $11.50, 8x10= $18, 11x14=$28, 13x19=$35 + shipping (around $29 in the US)